
E1: Daring to Dream with Sharie King

This is the pilot episode of Overcoming Monday and what better subject than the risks it takes to dream. Sharie shares how her passionate pursuit of a dream ended in disappointment and frustration. And perhaps this dream will revive again one day, but for now it is on hold. How do we dream without fearing disappointment? How do we heal from disappointment? Join us for this topic in our first episode!


E2: Dreams Which Take Detours with Holly Myers and Ava Davis

Sometimes we have dreams and we pray for those dreams to happen in a certain way and at a certain time. But, most times our dreams turn out differently. In this episode, worship leader and songwriter Ava Davis talks about an unexpected transition in her musical calling. Also, pastor's wife Holly Myers shares how God unexpectedly called her and her husband to plant a church. They give advice to those of you pursuing an unexpected dream as well.


E3: Taylor Tippett: The Travlin' Lady Shares Her Dream

Taylor Tippet used her job as a flight attendant to minister and encourage people on their journey by leaving encouraging words on the window seats. Taylor soon became known as the Travelin' Lady and shares about her travels, her life, and her encouragement to others on her social media and in this episode as well.


E5: Dreaming: Healthy Strategies with Hopetown

Zach and Ashley Dickson with Hopetown, a ministry committed to helping others find hope and healing through professional counseling, provide wise tips for healthy dreaming, strategies for patience, and encouragement to hope an impossible dream may come true.