
E36: Is God good to women? with Clayton and Sharie King

“Is God good to women?” Sharie and Clayton talk about the struggles women faced in Biblical times focusing on the book of Ruth. They also address the idea that God is not absent in the modern day woman’s struggle.

Podcast resources: The Gospel of Ruth by Carolyn Custis James


E37: Men: Impressive Character Traits with Clayton and Sharie King

Sharie and Clayton discuss three impressive character traits of the Biblical person, Boaz. This episode centers on a question from this book, The Gospel of Ruth, "In the Bible, when men interact with strong women, do they become stronger themselves?" 

Podcast links: Carolyn Custis James book, The Gospel of Ruth

Podcasts Scriptures: Ruth in the Bible, 2 Samuel 20: Wise Woman stepped saved her city from war with king David, Exodus 2: Zipporah and Miriam save Moses, Matthew 26: Woman with alabaster jar challenged disciple’s idea of worship, Luke 10: Mary sitting at Jesus’ feet, Luke 1: Elisabeth- John the Baptist’s mom had faith when Zechariah doubted, Acts 16: Lydia, and the women who served the church in Philippi


E38: Faith: How Mistakes Produce Faith with Shawna Asbell

Sharie and Shawna Asbell discuss how our mistakes can provide faith and guidance for others. They discuss how Boaz, a prominent and influential Jewish man, was able to see his own strength of character in Ruth, an immigrant, childless widow from a “lesser” socioeconomic status.


E39: Stretching Your Faith with Shawna Asbell

Sharie and Shawna Asbell discuss how to get out of our comfort zone and appropriately push the limits of our faith. This episode centers on how Ruth's boldness faith gave confidence to those around her to stretch their faith and obey God’s calling in their lives.


E40: Overcoming Bitterness and Depression with Ashley and Zach Dickson

Sharie interviews Zach and Ashley Dickson, from Hopetown, on how to overcome bitterness and depression by finding the courage to be real with yourself and God with emotions which feel "un-Christian." This episode provides useful tips for standing beside someone in the middle of short-term or long-term depression.