4 Reasons We are Scared to Love: from the acronym L-O-V-E
Photo cred: pinksherbet
Part E: Many of us WANT good friends, but we are scared to loved because friendships require so much energy, and frankly they can be exhausting. So, we come up with a variety of excuses, “I’m too..
- Busy
- Burned
- Scared
- Introverted
- Content
After weeks, months, or even years of excuses, we lose the desire to put forth the effort because we’ve learned to become more comfortable with ourselves than with other people. Your excuses may comfort you in the short run, but what empathy do they offer when life turns upside-down and your heart cries out for encouragement?
Photo Cred: Elisabeth Harper
Brace yourself for the last adorable Ruby (my niece) quote as we finish this series on friendship. My sister shared this with me, “Ruby wants her hair to grow long like Rapunzle because, she said, ‘I can't save anyone with my hair short like this! How can anyone climb my hair and get away from the bad guys?!’”
Yes, she is a little girl. Yes, she is silly. Yes, she is imaginative, innocent, and probably a bit extreme! But, don’t we all want a friend like Ruby? Why does this girl want to grow her hair out? Why to save her friends from the enemy of course! I say we give her a cape and call her a hero! And while we're at it, let's learn a little lesson from Super-Ruby.
Hold that Thought and Make it Real:
Scripture says, “Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up..a cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” (Ecclesiastes 4:9, 12b)
It’s so easy to plaster this verse on our walls, pictures and wedding invitations when we’re feeling the love. But do we really believe two are better than one? Would we even think about growing out our hair to save a friend? I mean that takes patience.
If we truly believe two are better, we would make time in our busy schedule for one another (I’m preaching to myself here.) We would learn to love and appreciate people who are different than we us. We would stand beside someone who is going through a crisis even if we are standing on a mountain top.
The time and effort a friendship requires may not be predictable, but when we invest in Jesus' kingdom, he enlarges our influence for his glory and our benefit. Two plus Jesus are always better than one.
So, here’s the challenge: Read Mark 4:30-31 and write down in your journal which friend needs your investment? Take a 15 minute coffee/hot chocolate date with a friend for the next four weeks and see how Jesus uses that relationship in both of your lives.
That was Sweet, what should I Tweet?
- @sharieking99 Two plus Jesus are always better than one. Who do you need to make time for in your life?
- @sharieking99 Friendships may not be predictable or perfect, but consider how Jesus will use your investment.
- @sharieking99 Many of us WANT good friends, but we are scared to loved because friendships require so much energy.
© 2015 by Sharie King. All rights reserved.