Is God Good to Women?
If God is good, why does suffering exist? If God did not create suffering, and God is good, why doesn’t he stop my suffering? Many people wonder why God allows evil to continue to exist in this world. This blog provides help and perspective on the subject of suffering.
Not Your Typical Love Message: let's love differently!
We took down our Christmas decorations December 26, 2016, not because we are grinches, but because we had to be in California to speak at a student event. Unfortunately, we were out of travel-sized shampoo, so I stopped in the drug store. It was decked out already, not with Christmas or New Year's decorations, but with pink and purple hearts. Stores were already getting ready for the consumers to jump on the Love Month bandwagon.
The Pastor's Wife: Who am I? Who is He?
I'm standing in the kitchen with Joseph when I hear a deep voice in the hallway. We've been in the process of building our house and trying to get the punch list knocked, so I expect my youngest son to reply that a contractor is here fixing his bathtub. Instead, a silly grin emerges on his face, and looking at me out of the corner of his eye, he says, "Mama, that's Jacob."
What Happened to my Testimony?
But, what is a testimony? Is it not the story of how we are broken and unworthy? Is it not the story of Jesus loving the unlovely. Isn’t my testimony a story of how Jesus showed a helpless, hopeless girl that he’d planned on redeeming and restoring her since before she was born? Isn’t my testimony a story of Jesus glorifying himself in spite of my inconsistent good intentions?
Have you ever felt like your testimony was ruined? Have you ever felt ashamed that you didn’t perform better?
Turn Your Wasteland into a Wonderland
I share your feeling. I share your longing for things to become different. I also want to escape the anguish in my heart, to find a place of peace and comfort. And while I know that one day redemption will come, I don’t want to sit around letting the the enemy steal any wonder the Lord is willing to give me today. It's easy to start thinking there’s nothing left for us here and hope in the world to come. But when Jesus was here he continued to hope. In fact, he prayed, “Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” (Matthew 16:10)
3 Things We Love About Marriage
We want you to beat the odds. We want you to pay attention and choose the right direction. if we should meet you one day, we want to be able to celebrate with you..that you have a good marriage that honors God and shows the world a picture of His love for humanity. We don't want you to miss out on something this awesome..
Excuses, Excuses Go Away
I want to feel confident and assured before I do what God is asking, but often that comfort doesn't come until after we act in obedience. God tells Moses he won’t KNOW GOD SENT him until the people are delivered and he returns to the mountain.
I was not completely sure that we were supposed to write 12 Questions until after the fact. Once it was written, our marriage God protected us and our marriage continues to thrive. Even now, we still see God using the book to change lives.
How do I Believe the Best?
We all fail our friends. We say things we don’t mean. We are habitually inconsiderate and rude, easily offended and hurt. We withdraw and give up when we should pursue and work through a problem. But this doesn’t mean we are bad people. It means we are imperfectly human.
Why Is It So Hard to Make Friends?
“Why is it so hard for me to make friends?” And the Holy Spirit answered, “No one is perfect Sharie, and neither are you.”
I try not to hurt my friends, but I do. When I realize what I’ve done, my first hope is for them to love, listen, forgive and give me the benefit of the doubt. Don’t we all want to be understood and forgiven? This is what it means to believe the best.
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall
When you’re a little girl, it’s kind of cute to be a tomboy. But, as a teenager, you’re labeled strong willed and rebellious. And in my experience, people quickly slap harsh labels on women who are strong leaders. God, why did you give me this personality when you knew I’d be a girl?